Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Weekend

This Saturday turned out to be a really nice day. Our neighborhood has an annual Easter Egg Hunt and this was our first time attending. It was so neat to see all the kids out having a good time chasing after the many many plastic eggs.

It wasn't so much of an egg hunt as it was more like a who can pick up the eggs the fastest.

This is Ryan (left) and Tyee (right). They are best friends.

All the kids love Caitlin.

Ryan and his really cool baseball basket.

Caitlin just hanging out and taking it all in.

This is our other neighbors kid Avery. She is a doll.

The woman who puts on the Egg Hunt wheeled out a couple of wagons filled with stuffed animals for all the kids. Tyee chose the bunny backpack. He he.

Tyee raiding the candy.

This is Mason. If you can't tell he is Ryan's younger brother. He doesn't know what to think of me yet, hence the confused face.

Such a cutie.

Steve's mom was in town for the day. Even though Caitlin couldn't help with the eggs we still decorated them. It was a lot of fun. I made sure my yellow egg was good and vibrant. : )

Caitlin hung out and watched all the action from her highchair.

Of course a special egg was made especially for Caitlin.

We went to church on Sunday which was a lot of fun. Caitlin was in her Easter dress that she got from her Nana. She was very well behaved and the lady that was sitting next to us fell in love with her and even held her for a short bit. I didn't get too many pictures of Caitlin like I hoped. We went to my parent's house to eat and hang out and I was planning on taking pictures outside once we got home since the sun came out. But pretty shortly after getting home Caitlin had a little blow out so no more Easter dress. But I did get these:

And we actually got a family picture

Every day I am more amazed at how big she is getting. She is going to be crawling before we know it and that is pretty scary.

I hope every one had a wonder Easter!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New Patio Furniture

Well since it is finally feeling like spring, Steve and I broke down and finally bought the patio furniture we had been eyeing since last summer. We are so very excited to be able to enjoy our deck more.

We bought the table on Saturday afternoon and actually ran in to my dad which was perfect since we were able to use his truck to get the boxes back to our place. You know we thought we wouldn't have to borrow the pickup anymore once we bought the SUV but we forgot how much room a stroller takes up in the back. We waited a good 45 minutes for them to bring out our stuff, apparently the guy they thought was getting it from the warehouse didn't know he was the one getting it from the warehouse. So in the meantime we signed up to win a sweet grill and hung out with little miss Caitlin.

Sunday turned out to be a beautiful day so of course we put together the table. Or I should say Steve put the table together and Caitlin and I watched.

The beginning stage

Caitlin enjoying the sunny day

Keeping dad company

Maylie guarding the gate

Oliver wishing he was a dog so he can join us outside

The final product!

We still need an umbrella but I want one that is a fun color and Home Depot didn't have any that I liked. Hopefully Target has something fun.

Caitlin is getting so close to crawling. Lately she will start out like this:

But then end up like this:

We are hosting some friends for dinner tomorrow and the plan is to eat outside on the new table. Can't wait!